Friday, November 21, 2014

4th Grade Landscapes

Working at a school where students have never had art before, has been a challenge, but also a fun journey.  It gives me a chance to use some lessons I typically teach with younger grades, and spin them to work with another grade. Landscape, for example, has turned out amazing.  4th graders at our school have been learning about landscape.  We have discussed foreground middle ground and background. We also talked about filling the page and how the sizes of things change in space.  Student requirements were to fill the foreground, middle ground, and background with an "ants eye view." Here are the results!



Second graders have been learning about texture in art.  Students learned the two kinds of texture; visual texture, and actual texture (tactile texture.) We practiced finding texture around the art room.

 the walls, erasers, shoes
 Step stool

We also read the book "Where the Wild Things Are," and learned about different kinds of visual texture and practiced making textures on a monster creation of our own. Each monster had to have geometric shaped eyes, organic shaped mouth, and an organic shaped body.

 After drawing monsters, textures and details; students outlined with sharpie, then painted with primary colors and even practiced mixing secondary colors with a new medium, watercolor

 Students cut their monsters and prepared to make an abstract background.  To learn about abstract art, we studied the artist Kandinsky and his use of organic and geometric shapes.

 Students cut organic shapes they had previously painted with secondary colors to use as the background for this monster.

 Here are a few of the in-progress examples

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Stickers arrived!

This fall at Cedar Creek, we have been working on an art fundraiser called square 1 art.

Students completed art squares that were then sent to the company, scanned and every student received 20 stickers of their art! To add to the excitement of Halloween, the stickers arrived Friday and they turned out fantastic! The colors are vibrant, stickers look great, and the smiles on students faces are unbelievable!

Students got their artwork back along with a sticker pack and order form.
Students can order anything from a keychain to an ipad case with their own art on it.

 The packets include an example of the artwork on a coffee mug and a packet showing other products available.  Square 1 art is a great program to support the art budget, it helps a growing program like ours, to create enriching projects and expand the kinds of media we can use!
Orders will be accepted until November 17th and will arrive December 9th!